Today is another day in my life and i am going to enjoy it no matter how or what i feel.
Why do we always feel up today and down tommorrow? Yeah, i guess a lot of people will come up with different ideas. Sorry, i have read quite a number of books on this and heard a lot said about it, all the same my feelings especailly those that tend to make us unhappy, unaccomplished and so moody that most times we do not want to continue to live. Lives in itself has alot to through our way and if we dont start taking charge of our lives, the enemy of our soul will definetly mess us up.I have decided that a day at a time will help me overcome a lot that the enemy of my soul has lined up for me.
I now wake up every morning with this big smile on my face for my Lord and saviour who has made it possible for me to get up this morning. Do we know that, that on its own is a sign that we will overcome whatever the feeling that might come on that day. I am taking charge of my feelings because if i don't, it will mess me up. And i found out that it is not only me that it will mess up but my love ones and tose who have my best interest at heart.
Those feelings that are very negative should not be allowed to go on unchecked in our lives. but those that benefit us and God also has put in us to help, should not be suppresed.
Always put your feelings under check , this will help you advance in whatever you have planned to do in your live
Monday, 23 April 2007
How do you feel
Posted by Truth at 04:15 4 comments
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
We all at one point in life or another are waing for something.Most times waiting becomes so unbearable that we give up.
Life itself is filled with a lot of waiting experiences.The time of conception, our mothers waited until the due time.The baby in the womb could not be forced out no matter how inconvinence it seemed to the mother during the pregnancy.Although there are times when it becomes a matter of life and death that the pregnancy is terminated.But this is not what i am writing about.
The delivery time is waited on, and even during the labour of the baby, waiting is also of an essence.Well i know by now, you are wondering why is she using this analogy when all you care to know is how do you wait.Please read along, it will relieve your period of waiting at the end of all my writing.
I too, had to learn that being anxious over certain issues in life is a big waste of time and effort.The baby, as i pointed out, wiil be delivered when it is time, allowed period of time to learn to eat solid food even when the parents wants the diaper period to be over.There comes the time to teach the child,time for the child to become independent,time for every developmental period of the child's life is waited upon.
All of life issues are waited on and this sort of baffles me when i have something to accomplish, i start fretting, getting myself worked up or being unnecessarily anxious even when i know that my life has been planned by God.
All our anxiety only proves that we no longer believe what God has said concerning our situation, and also we want a quicker way out of the situation.
By nature, i am not a patient person. If i want anything done, it has to be by my time.This has put me under unplesant situation that has caused me alot of heartache.So God allowed situation in my life that have been beyond my contro, to teach me to wait on Him. I know the same applies to you because we are all made in His image and likeness. Just think about this for a moment, most of the things God has allowed you to wait for, if they had materialised as at the time we wanted them ,most likely that they would not have been the best of what God has planned out for us. In some cases, they would have destroyed us.
The most serious case scenario i would want to use here is about the single.The guy or the lady is believingGod for a partner and it is not forth coming, especialy if you are a believer and you are trusting God who sees the end from the beginning to choose for you.There is the tormmenting voice that will start giving you all sorts of idea,especially when time is ticking so fast, you might want to do it your way which might not be His way and then end up getting into more pain than they expected.
Waiting, is a time of preparation for the things we are waiting for.It is a time of serious reflection and a sobre period.It is not a time to accept something less than your expectation. If we have to wait longer to get what we set out to get in the first instance, i believe that the waiting period will no longer matter.Our parents rejoice to see us when after nine months in the womb,no matter how long the labour period lasted, the baby is born and the pain the woman felt is easily forgotten because a baby is born.
God will srenghten us in our time of waiting., no matter what we are all waiting for, we shall all smile and rejoice and also, encourage others who would not want to wait.
Anything that is waited for has always been the best, so i want to encourage us to wait, wait and wait. God who says in His word that they that wait upon Him will renew their strength, will definetly strenghten us during our waitin period.
Posted by Truth at 07:46 0 comments
Thursday, 22 March 2007
God reigns
I had a lot of work to do the other day,and did not have any time to waste.Doing a DIY (do it yourself) was used by God to teach me that He truly reigns in all our situation.
The bedroom cabinet that was to be fixed was not suppose to last the time it did. But as we were two people fixing it,we found out that interpreting the instruction manual was not so understandable as we thought it should be.The instuction was to be followed step by step, and the next level was not to be fixed unless the previous was corret.But somewhere along the fixing , we could not get it right because we had bypass maybe, a little screw, and we spent more time on that level than was necessary. Do you know what?We became very tired and worn out, just because we did not want to start all over to get it right. Eventually we came to the end of the wardrobe, and it sat down there, very beautiful.
At the end of the day,(like i would normally reflect) my mind went to the time we could not make any headway, and then we taught we should pack it up for another day.Is it not truly the way we want to abandon a lot of life issues that look as if they cannot be achieved? I also saw the way that our lack of patience and looking inward allow us to waiste precious time in this world trying to find our bearing. Let us go back to the owner's manual,the Bible and study it, to find out how He wants us not to go through the pain of life for too long.I also learnt that, there are a lot of little things that we over look in the affairs of life,that, will cause us not to reach our greatest potential.Time will be saved,most pain would be avoided,more would be achieve when we spend time enough to understand what God wants our lives to be like if time is spent in His manual. God reigns in that situation you are going through right now, all you need to do is to check out THE OWNER'S MANUAL.
Posted by Truth at 03:52 1 comments
Monday, 19 March 2007
The commandments,statuesand the judgements
The Bible is a beautiful palace,built up out of sixty-six blocks of marbles--its separate books. In the first chapter of Genesis we enter the vestibules,which is filled with the mighty acts of creation.
This gives access to the law courts, the five books of Moses. Passing through these we come to the picture gallery of the history books. Here we find hung upon the walls scenes of battlefields, representations of heroic deeds, and portraits of eminent men belonging to the early days of the world's history.
Beyond the picture gallery we find the philosopher's chamber, the Book of Job. Passing on we enter the music room,the Book of Psalms, where we listen to the grandest strains that ever fell on human ears. Then we come to the business office , the Book of Proverbs, where right in the center of the room stands facing us the motto; Righteousness exalts a nation ; but sin is a reproach to any people."
From the business office we pass into the chapel Ecclesiastes, or the preacher in his pulpit, and then into the conservatory, the Song of Solomon, with the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valley, and all manner of fine perfumes, fruits and flowers. Finally we reach the observatory, the prophets, with their telescopes fixed on near and distant stars, and all directed toward the bright and morning star that was soon to arise.
Crossing the court we come to the audience chamber of the King, the Gospels, where we find four lifelike portraits of the Apostles, and beyond that the correspondence room, the Epistles, where we see Paul and peter and James and Judas busy at their desks. If you would know what they are writing about, their Epistles are open for all to study.
Before leaving we stand for a moment in the outside gallery,the Revelation, where we look upon some striking pictures of the judgement to come and the glories to be revealed, concluding with an awe- inspiring picture of the throne room of the King. I
am encouraging you to give time to study the Bible and you will understand the time and season we are in. God bless you as you study.
Posted by Truth at 09:59 0 comments
Saturday, 17 March 2007
A group of friends were gathered together for a time of social fellowship. The conversation drifted to the subject of friendship and an athlete said; "In my opinion, a friend is a balancing pole that enables us to walk the tightrope of life without falling." The physician said,"I believe a friend may be liken to a soft bandage and a soothing ointment for the cuts and bruises of life." To a botanist it seemed that " a friend is a vine that clings to us and hides the dispenses and rough places of life," to which a florist added;"yes, and the greater the ruin, the closer a friend clings." "A friend is a golden link in the chain of life," said a jeweler." A woman in mourning responded, "A friend is one who comes in when the whole world goes out." "The best friend of all," said a white-haired man of eighty, "is Jesus, who said, greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,"
A friend is one who knows all about you and loves you all the same. You cannot buy a friend. They are God-given and their friendship lasts throughout life. If you have one today, thank God f0r him or her. And if you do not have a true friend like the different suggested meaning, i pray that God will make one available to you.We need a friend in this journey of life, that is if you already have Jesus as your personal friend. If you have not made Jesus your personal friend, you might get friends in this world who will not allow you to know Him.
Posted by Truth at 08:02 0 comments
Friday, 16 March 2007
Just believe
I love the Lord so much for His Divine intervention.When i confess to be a believer, and truly i do believe,but do we really know that sometimes we behave, act, and walk as if we do not truly believe Him and His promises?I found out that when the enemy hits us so badly and we go to God in prayer,He gives us direction to follow.But because we always need an instant answer to the situation, we start looking for ways that are not the believers ways to solve the problem.
Let me come out so that someone reading will understand because i know i am not alone in this. I have been going through challenges that i will say has persisted for years. I have prayed, fasted, praised and even ask for trusted believers to intercede on my behalf.I believe God has answered because if He did not, i should not be alive to write this. I have equally got His answers through dreams, vision, His words and preaching,but somehow i just tell myself that i can not take it any more.My heart will start drifting and planning how to remove the pain because it could be very painful, in the midst of this, God still shows up to say, He is there and that He has not forgotten nor forsaken me.We just have to keep believing,why? because He says so.
He works all out for our own good, it is not for less but for more. i want us to look back and see the way he delivered us from other situations we passed through. If He did it then,He is still the same God, He will definitely see us through this present challenge.Please let us always go back to him when we can not bear the pain of waiting, He is the balm of Gilead an d He is always ready to rub our pain with His balm.Just believe that He has promised to see you through it all. It will always work out His purpose and our own edification. Just know that it is well with you.
Posted by Truth at 09:44 0 comments
Thursday, 15 March 2007
why am i here?
This is a very big question.I have live long enough to answer this question for myself and sorry , not for you my dear reader. But i know one thing is certain, after reading,you will ask yourself the same see, life is full of mystery and it keeps unfolding day by day as long as you remain on planet earth.When we wake up every morning,it is a new day for a new beginning.A new beginning because we have the opportunity to start anew, righting all the wrongs of yesterday, reflecting on yesterday gives you the power of not repeating those things that did not allow you to be happy, to repeat itself. And also wanting to stick to those that indeed caused joy.We should not indeed be dead to situation and circumstances in life, when we do this we keep going round and round in circle.I have done or have allowed myself to be cheated out of my purpose in life. Please i would not want you to repeat the same. Experience they say is the best teacher and if you are blessed to have people around you who you can trust to give you counsel, i think you should take hold of it and please do not abuse it.Life is worth living if we find direction.It saddens my heart to find a lot of young ones this days repeating most of the things that made the older ones regret and lament that if they had known better.Well my encouragement to you this day, is that, you look out for that person that you can respect enough to open up to and ask deep question that you do not understand about life.Well someone will say, i have the Word of God and my Pastor has been teaching a lot of stuff that has shown to me what my life is going to be.
I know all these too but let me tell you the storms of life will reveal to you that only you and your situation will stand in the mist of the storm and if you trust me enough to believe someone out there you trust, honestly he or she that has been there with experience of life will cheer you up through it.You will definitely pull through. I know someone right now is reading and saying i do not know who to go to, but pray and look and you will find someone God has positioned for you, they are there, we only need to come to that realisation. You are here for the purpose of fulfilling destiny and if you do not ask yourself our title question, you will allow yourself to drift off the purpose and plans for you life. Live life to the fullest because God has already made the provision.I pray that you will stat from today asking yourself the question and moving everyday towards you purpose. Have a blessed time
Posted by Truth at 03:47 2 comments
Wednesday, 14 March 2007
Posted by Truth at 03:39 0 comments
In it together
i want to thank all that make time out to read this inspirations, i know that when you say with me long enough you will find out that we are all in the race together. Please i too really need to get your comments.It is funny that a lot of us go through things in life that it seems that my is so weighty.I know from experience that all we go through in life always sort of shape us or mare us. i have come today to encourage you that you should never give up on your dreams, aspiration and vision. We all contend with dream killers all the time and at times you start feeling ,if you are really going through the right direction, don't worry.
All the pains you are going through concerning what you have set to achieves is only confirming to you that you are doing it right.We should have an understanding that we all go through stuff, but should never allow the stuff to go through us.Do not even think of yourself going through things more than others. If this is your case, you will have more to share for all your troubles.Life is so interesting that ,when the garden looks greener on the other end, we start feeling bad about our own garden not being the same. But let me share this with you, the grass across most times only looks that way because you are far from it, if you come a little closer, you find out the real situation.
All i am encouraging you today is that you should know for sure that you not alone in your situation
Posted by Truth at 03:19 2 comments
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
we will get there
We are up again today and that means whatever we are looking forward to achieving, we will get there. Do we sometimes wonder why we pass through a lot, that some people having gone through same thing have not lived up to today, or some are lying critically ill in one confinement or the other.Whatever it is that you have been hoping for will definitely come to pass. I want to assure you that your waiting will not be in vain. We will surely get to those goals set and now they look so lofty. Do not worry, as you have seen today, you will equally see tomorrow because the one who promise will never leave nor forsake you. He will make everything beautiful in His dear beloved in the race, keep moving on and i know you will get there and when you do, stop and reflect back from where you started and always remember to give him thanks for taking you there.
Posted by Truth at 10:15 1 comments
Friday, 9 February 2007
it is well
We are here again today, by His mighty hand.What are you hoping for that seems very unreacheable? There was a time in your life that you never thought you could reach where you are today. But here you are, you scaled through and when you looked back, you wonder how you got here. So, shall it be concerning your expectation. It is well with you now and in the future. The same Mighty hand that saw you through those challenges of yesteryears will, definetely see you through. The same mountain that looks so high that it seems there is no way through it, i have come to let you know that you are too powerful not reach those goals you set that looks like a mountain. It is definetely well with you.
Posted by Truth at 11:20 0 comments
Friday, 2 February 2007
Do you know?
A person who manipulates others is a person who says "i need to con my way into what i don't deserve and cannot earn" The way the curse is broken is to say God is capable of using who i am and what i have.--------A fruit of example is worth a gallion of example---------A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let go-------When father's are tongue tied religiously with their offspring's need, they wonder if their children's heart remain sin tied--------Self is the opague veil that hides the face of God from us----Small becom big men through the influence of the big men who care about small boys-----Grace is both liberating and constraining.It liberates from the law but constrains us to willing obedience---------Violence is not strenght, noisiness is not earnestness. Noise is a sign of want of faith and violence is a sign of weakness. A zealot never won a battle-------We should care not much about being recognise as about being worth recognition----Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet---We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give-----Impression without expression causes depression---------
Posted by Truth at 10:32 0 comments
words of wisdom
The real victory occurs when you change your own mind
The power of choice is agreat power
Be careful that you do not give that power away
It is your right to choose how you want to live. Even God respect that right He gives you the right.
Posted by Truth at 10:01 0 comments
your trial
Beloved, i am here again today to inspire you with word from above.Have you been tried lately? Abraham was long tried but he was richly rewarded.The Lord tried him by delaying to fulfil His promise. Satan tried him by temptation; men tried him by jealousy, distrust and opposition.Sarah tried him by her peevishness, but he patiently endured. He did not question God's veracit, nor limit His power,nor doubt His faithfullness, nor grieve His love,but he bowed to divine soverignty.He submitted to infinite wisdom and was silent under delays, waiting on the Lord's time.And so, having patiently endured, he obtained the promis. God's promises cannot fail, and will not faulter,of their accomplishment. Patient waiters cannot be disappointed. Believing expectation shall be realized. Beloved, Abraham conduct condemn's a hasty spirit, reproves a murmuring one,commands a patient one, and encourages quiet submission to God's willand way. Remember, Abraham was tried like you are being tried, patiently wait as he waited and received the promise and was satisfied. Imitate his example and you will share the same blessing.
Posted by Truth at 09:38 0 comments
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
circumstances not making sense
Im inspired to help my friend the believer in the area of the title above.A lot of things in our Walk with God do not really make sense to out canal mind.The bible is His manual for understanding a lot that do not make sense.I want to use one of the things that did not make sense to me, but i went ahead and believe Him.I had a business and i heard Him say the business was over.What? Did i realy hear right? Or was i thinking of it myself?.I must confess that it took me three years to really come to grip with Him. I enjoyed my business all the while and i wonder what else could i do to make me happy as i was.But His was are not ours neither his thought like ours. If He says it He will bring it to pass. All i needed then to do was to go back to Him to ask what next, but i was busy trying to figure out what i would do next.One sign about not quickly adhering to His prompts is you will loose the joy of whatever it is.All through the three years, i was miserable, all was not going well with me and all around me,until i gave in.He is not trying to make us give up what we love but when ,He has something more to release to us, we don't always understand.I can share this with you now my dear friend because i have gone through it and i will let you know it was not a pleasant experience.Don't be like me then, just go to God when His ways donot make sense to you.I can look back now after two years of accepting His will and ways,and found out that i have accomplished more than my little business i held unto. I have been to places that my business would't have paid for or allowed me to be.I am bless for sharing this with you all His children and i know for sure He has you in mind, only trust Him.
Posted by Truth at 09:49 1 comments
Don't do it
Thank you my friends in the faith for looking into my last inspirition. I hope you were inspired. Well today, we are going to know why we should not do certain things we do that has kept us going round in a circle. I know that the title did not just come to me out of the blues, i was inspired.There are a lot of things that i do that give me certain result that were negative, and the problem was that after going through the pain of the result, i still find myself do it again and again. I know at this time you want to know those things i do that gave me pains.I will mention some of them and i know you what yours are,unforgiveness, stinking attitude,taking vengence for wrong done to me.We may as well go into relationship that i believe we had a prompt not to go into.Yes, now you are getting the picture clearer,Take unforgiveness for example,i was hurt there was no doubt about that, but if i love myself and look into the perfect word of liberty that says, we should forgive, i will not go through sleepless night that can trigger off a lot of the sickness that go with it. I know at this time you will want me to know that if i was offended the way you were, i will not tell you to forgive. Honestly , i know this and if i went through it , i can tell you that it is possible for you too.Run fromanything that gives you evil thought---but stay close to anythingthat makes you want to do right.Don't do anything today that you will regret tommorrow.Rememberthat the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience.And God is faithful.He will keep the temptationfrom becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it.When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it.Don't do it.
Posted by Truth at 09:17 0 comments
Monday, 29 January 2007
God's image
We sometimes forget who we are, and this allows the enemy to confuse us the more.Are you facing challenges that you ask yourself why? All around you look so bleak and there seems to be no way out or solution in sight, i am sent to tell you that He who ceated you has His ways and has promise not to leave nor forsake you. What you are going through my dear is only for a season.I know right now you are reading and telling yourself if only she knows what i am going through, she will understand. I don't need to know because the One who is all knowing has sent me to tell you that His thought towards you are of good,and to give you a future and a hope. This tells me that you are indeed made in His image and likeness. My dear friend, i called you a friend because we are all going through one thing or the other, but what thing is sure and i must tell you,His hands are big enough to deliver.Just trust and believe, and i will encourage to read his manual[bible] and hold unto His promises because He never fails. you are more than a conqueror.I hope to read from you. Have a refreshing time in His presence.
Posted by Truth at 12:12 1 comments
Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog. It is a place where you will get a daily dose of inspiration straight from the throne room of God. Find time to check this site regularly because you will find something refreshing, revitalising, educative, inspiring and of a great help in this perilious times. Have a blessed time in His presence and remember never to give up because you are always a WINNER if you don't give up. God bless you.
Posted by Truth at 12:03 0 comments