Tuesday, 3 April 2007


We all at one point in life or another are waing for something.Most times waiting becomes so unbearable that we give up.
Life itself is filled with a lot of waiting experiences.The time of conception, our mothers waited until the due time.The baby in the womb could not be forced out no matter how inconvinence it seemed to the mother during the pregnancy.Although there are times when it becomes a matter of life and death that the pregnancy is terminated.But this is not what i am writing about.
The delivery time is waited on, and even during the labour of the baby, waiting is also of an essence.Well i know by now, you are wondering why is she using this analogy when all you care to know is how do you wait.Please read along, it will relieve your period of waiting at the end of all my writing.
I too, had to learn that being anxious over certain issues in life is a big waste of time and effort.The baby, as i pointed out, wiil be delivered when it is time, allowed period of time to learn to eat solid food even when the parents wants the diaper period to be over.There comes the time to teach the child,time for the child to become independent,time for every developmental period of the child's life is waited upon.
All of life issues are waited on and this sort of baffles me when i have something to accomplish, i start fretting, getting myself worked up or being unnecessarily anxious even when i know that my life has been planned by God.
All our anxiety only proves that we no longer believe what God has said concerning our situation, and also we want a quicker way out of the situation.
By nature, i am not a patient person. If i want anything done, it has to be by my time.This has put me under unplesant situation that has caused me alot of heartache.So God allowed situation in my life that have been beyond my contro, to teach me to wait on Him. I know the same applies to you because we are all made in His image and likeness. Just think about this for a moment, most of the things God has allowed you to wait for, if they had materialised as at the time we wanted them ,most likely that they would not have been the best of what God has planned out for us. In some cases, they would have destroyed us.
The most serious case scenario i would want to use here is about the single.The guy or the lady is believingGod for a partner and it is not forth coming, especialy if you are a believer and you are trusting God who sees the end from the beginning to choose for you.There is the tormmenting voice that will start giving you all sorts of idea,especially when time is ticking so fast, you might want to do it your way which might not be His way and then end up getting into more pain than they expected.
Waiting, is a time of preparation for the things we are waiting for.It is a time of serious reflection and a sobre period.It is not a time to accept something less than your expectation. If we have to wait longer to get what we set out to get in the first instance, i believe that the waiting period will no longer matter.Our parents rejoice to see us when after nine months in the womb,no matter how long the labour period lasted, the baby is born and the pain the woman felt is easily forgotten because a baby is born.
God will srenghten us in our time of waiting., no matter what we are all waiting for, we shall all smile and rejoice and also, encourage others who would not want to wait.
Anything that is waited for has always been the best, so i want to encourage us to wait, wait and wait. God who says in His word that they that wait upon Him will renew their strength, will definetly strenghten us during our waitin period.


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