Wednesday 21 February 2007

we will get there

We are up again today and that means whatever we are looking forward to achieving, we will get there. Do we sometimes wonder why we pass through a lot, that some people having gone through same thing have not lived up to today, or some are lying critically ill in one confinement or the other.Whatever it is that you have been hoping for will definitely come to pass. I want to assure you that your waiting will not be in vain. We will surely get to those goals set and now they look so lofty. Do not worry, as you have seen today, you will equally see tomorrow because the one who promise will never leave nor forsake you. He will make everything beautiful in His dear beloved in the race, keep moving on and i know you will get there and when you do, stop and reflect back from where you started and always remember to give him thanks for taking you there.

Friday 9 February 2007

it is well

We are here again today, by His mighty hand.What are you hoping for that seems very unreacheable? There was a time in your life that you never thought you could reach where you are today. But here you are, you scaled through and when you looked back, you wonder how you got here. So, shall it be concerning your expectation. It is well with you now and in the future. The same Mighty hand that saw you through those challenges of yesteryears will, definetely see you through. The same mountain that looks so high that it seems there is no way through it, i have come to let you know that you are too powerful not reach those goals you set that looks like a mountain. It is definetely well with you.

Friday 2 February 2007

Do you know?

A person who manipulates others is a person who says "i need to con my way into what i don't deserve and cannot earn" The way the curse is broken is to say God is capable of using who i am and what i have.--------A fruit of example is worth a gallion of example---------A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let go-------When father's are tongue tied religiously with their offspring's need, they wonder if their children's heart remain sin tied--------Self is the opague veil that hides the face of God from us----Small becom big men through the influence of the big men who care about small boys-----Grace is both liberating and constraining.It liberates from the law but constrains us to willing obedience---------Violence is not strenght, noisiness is not earnestness. Noise is a sign of want of faith and violence is a sign of weakness. A zealot never won a battle-------We should care not much about being recognise as about being worth recognition----Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet---We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give-----Impression without expression causes depression---------

words of wisdom

The real victory occurs when you change your own mind
The power of choice is agreat power
Be careful that you do not give that power away
It is your right to choose how you want to live. Even God respect that right He gives you the right.

your trial

Beloved, i am here again today to inspire you with word from above.Have you been tried lately? Abraham was long tried but he was richly rewarded.The Lord tried him by delaying to fulfil His promise. Satan tried him by temptation; men tried him by jealousy, distrust and opposition.Sarah tried him by her peevishness, but he patiently endured. He did not question God's veracit, nor limit His power,nor doubt His faithfullness, nor grieve His love,but he bowed to divine soverignty.He submitted to infinite wisdom and was silent under delays, waiting on the Lord's time.And so, having patiently endured, he obtained the promis. God's promises cannot fail, and will not faulter,of their accomplishment. Patient waiters cannot be disappointed. Believing expectation shall be realized. Beloved, Abraham conduct condemn's a hasty spirit, reproves a murmuring one,commands a patient one, and encourages quiet submission to God's willand way. Remember, Abraham was tried like you are being tried, patiently wait as he waited and received the promise and was satisfied. Imitate his example and you will share the same blessing.

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