Saturday, 17 March 2007


A group of friends were gathered together for a time of social fellowship. The conversation drifted to the subject of friendship and an athlete said; "In my opinion, a friend is a balancing pole that enables us to walk the tightrope of life without falling." The physician said,"I believe a friend may be liken to a soft bandage and a soothing ointment for the cuts and bruises of life." To a botanist it seemed that " a friend is a vine that clings to us and hides the dispenses and rough places of life," to which a florist added;"yes, and the greater the ruin, the closer a friend clings." "A friend is a golden link in the chain of life," said a jeweler." A woman in mourning responded, "A friend is one who comes in when the whole world goes out." "The best friend of all," said a white-haired man of eighty, "is Jesus, who said, greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,"
A friend is one who knows all about you and loves you all the same. You cannot buy a friend. They are God-given and their friendship lasts throughout life. If you have one today, thank God f0r him or her. And if you do not have a true friend like the different suggested meaning, i pray that God will make one available to you.We need a friend in this journey of life, that is if you already have Jesus as your personal friend. If you have not made Jesus your personal friend, you might get friends in this world who will not allow you to know Him.


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