Christmas, means a lot of things to different people.
Yesterday was our carol nite in church and the same question had to be given explanation to by all invited guests.
Some said, it is a time of love and giving. Others said, it is a time to reflect on what has tranpired a through the year, that is a time of somber reflection.
While someone, i believe was a joke said its her time of changing dresses, which she actually did all through the progrmme.
Christmas, i will say means diffrent things to diffrent people.
Christmas to me, means a Saviour came into this world, born to die.
Jesus was born at a time like this some thousand years ago.
Christmas is all about Jesus, who came to take my place of punishment.
Christmas is all about the gift of God through His only son to mankind
Christmas is all about a son that was born to take away the sins of the whole world.(sounds too easy to those who would not believe the word)
Christmas is all about our Redemer, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, Emmanuel,
A friend that is closer than a brother, my Intersessor, Rose of sharon,
Christmas is all about His love showered on me, that i did not need to die in my sin.
Christmas is all about Jesus who has all figured out in all l went through, i am going through and all i will ever go through.
Christmas, makes me celebrate Him all through the year knowing with full assurance that He truly was born and i have all that it takes to believe that my life is worth living because He was born.
Please my beloved lets all rejoice in this period that the whole world acknowlegde that a saviour was born, even the atmospere during this period is different from any other time of the year.
Christmas should be the time all the fruits of the Holy Spirit shoild be allowed to operate hundred percent in our lives. Please through your comment, let me know what christmas mean to you.
Have a merry christmas and a blessed take over new year
Your Experience Does Not Define You
5 years ago
Wow! I love this!:-)
Christmas means Life to me.
It means my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ!
It reminds me of the ultimate price papa paid
so that I might be set free and apart from this world,
So that I might live like a king! Thank you Father!
Well done -- and keep thanking and praising
I'm pretty sure papa is smelling with glee.
Much love . X
Ha, the true meaning of Christmas. A Holy God loving an unholy me enough that He could empty himself of His divinity and take on humanity so we could be together till infinity. Thanks for this
Thanks for passing by
Welcome back. Different meanings and all so true.Thanks
Thanks for passing by
Welcome back. Different meanings and all so true.Thanks
The true reason for the season is...
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