Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Love Your Life.

Thank God for the life He's given you.I was expecting love from people who i thought know me and will respond to my love to them It never was to be and i felt so bad that i started abusing myself emotionally. I looked down at my person and told myself that i had problem that has made me unlovable to people.I even thought about myself not going to achieve anything because, i thought love was not being shown to me by those i loved most.This went on for a long time that it took only God's intervention to make me look inwards and know that loving myself was to be the first thing .My loving myself will give me in insight into who i am and what i actually need.Your life is worth much more than what you think it is. Loving me is going to help me not to look out to be loved. Those that i looked up to for love will appreciate the love i have for myself and can love me for loving myself.My life is much more than what i think and what people around me perceive.So my encouragement to you today, is love your life and yourself because God your maker love you so much that He gve His life as a ransome for you.I equally found out that the one you loo up to for love might be battling to loving his/herself. This life of ours is worth loving and living it without high expectation from others. God bless you as you start loving who you are

Friday, 18 January 2008


It is indeed well with you.Did i just write that? Yes i say it is well with you. I know your saying only if she knows what i am going through,she will not say that,or the terrible situation you are in. The facts remains that whatever we face today, and right now your reading this blog, it's an indication that is well with you.God has your life planned out, and the mere fact that He allows you to go through pain sometimes, does not mean that it is not well with you. He said in His word that His thoughts towards you are not of evil but of good, to give you a hope and a future.So if He said it, then there is hope for you even in the situation you find yourself.Has all hell opened their war against you? I said relax and and see the salvation of the Lord in your situation.The bible said we should watch and pray. The situation in your life might look too mighty to be resolved.I want you to take it to God in prayer and watch out as to how God will turn it around for your own good. You should never loose hope, if you do not give up and pesevre. you will definitetly see the end of what He is trying to take you to.So tell yourself that it is well with you. Your confession lifts you higher above your situation for God's miraclous intervention. Praise God for your situation and reflect and see the way and what you will get out of the whole issue. God bless you as you continue to depend on Him to see you through.IT IS WELL WITH YOU.

Monday, 14 January 2008

Thought For Today

It's been a little of concern to me, in a lot of events unfolding in the lives of some of the great preachers we admire and sometimesw adore.We hear marriage failure,expensive lifestyle,fighting and some other unthinkable happennings.The good book has all these vices penned down a long time ago.We are to go back to the owners manual and find out truth for living in this end time.Do not let your heart fail, trust still in Him who has called you, and even encourage you to look upon Him. He is the only one who will never, i say never ever fail you.I love to study the Word because that is why i get all my strenght from.This has made me to know that, depending on the arm of flesh will definitly fail us.What happens when someone you so trust, that is always preaching, and penning down stuff for you to read, and you suddenly hear,or find out that they are not living what they write or preach about? Do you get discourage and shun the way of the Lord? Pack up your faith and tell yourself that, if the can not make it, who are you to continue. Well, i have come to encourage you that it is the sign that the ende is drawing close. We should not faint or loose our confidence in God because if we remain steadfast, we will reap if we faint not. Give more time to the reading of the Word than you give to other human writings. You will discover that, there is nothing that comes your way, or the happenings concerning those you admire that are failing that cause you to draw back. Also i will encourage us to pray more for those tha bring us the Word, that the enemy of our soul will not remove them from their first love, not being puffed up by their achievement and alowing pride, which brings many to their downfall. I pray that we will all be faithful till His coming. God bless you.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

time of reflection

Happy new year to all you God's people. Thank God we made it into a new year and a time of new begining. I have to say im very sorry for not posting my inspired words for those who they are meant for. We should take time out and reflect on the things we did last year that did not testify of all of His goodness and glory.Looking back and moving forword is my slogan. i will not allow those things that were weights the past year to drag my upword movements this year.I am becoming wiser everyday,because the good book has it that when we number our days, we will apply our hearts unto wisdom.Please let us not repeat and stumble again with things that were not helping us to reach the highest call of God for our lives. The plan and purpose of God for us in this year of new begining will come to pass. We will attain the highest place of all the blessing nof God for our lives.THINK BACH AND LOOK FORWORD. God bless you.

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